Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Shoe Secret Revealed

"How do you walk in those?  I would break an ankle!"  I get these comments a lot.  Sometimes they follow a statement of love or admiration for whatever shoes I'm wearing that day, sometimes they stand on their own.  Here's the thing:  I'm NOT graceful.  I'm constantly covered in bruises from lacking depth perception or not paying attention to what I'm doing and running into stuff.  If there is something to trip over, chances are good I will find it.  In high school my mom told me I walked like a football coach, and now the hubby likes to tease me about how I'm bow legged, pigeon toed, and "walk weird."  I'm not some graceful woman with the deep, dark secret of how to walk in high heels.  Heck, on tile floors sometimes I feel like I'm definitely going to break my ankle.  Or my neck.  Here's another thing:  I don't actually wear them that much.  I always wear heels on Sunday, but I don't drive to work in them.  I always wear a pair of "running around shoes" until right before service starts, and then I put on the heels.  I take the shoes off during the sermon, whether I'm preaching or the other pastor is preaching.  I frequently don't wear them between services, depending on what's going on.  I see women who wear these kinds of shoes to the office, and I have those same thoughts:  How do they walk in those shoes all day?  I see women wearing heels in the aiport and I think they're crazy!  I like to be a little girly when it comes to shoes, but it turns out I'm a lot more practical than girly when it comes to the heels.

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