Monday, January 14, 2013

Stream of Consciousness

Some days are harder than others to come up with ideas for what to write about here.  I am committed to writing every day, but that means I have to have a subject.  So here is an insight into how that works on days I'm not sure what I'm going to talk about:
Oh, right, I need to write the blog.  Shoot, I'm not at the office, so no calendar pic to fall back on.  Should I go with something from Shoe Box Porn?  Do I have pictures of my own shoes I want to share?  Regardless, what will I write about.? Do I have any actual thoughts today?  Wait, I thought I wasn't going to put any pressure on myself about this thing?  I wonder if anyone even reads it?  Clearly someone is reading it, the page views keep going up  No one comments. they like it?  Wait, you almost never comment when you read blogs, either!  Oh right.  Should I be funnier?  Deeper?  Write more personally?  Post more pictures?  Do more to promote it?  Stop!  No pressure, remember?  It's supposed to be FUN!  Oh right, fun.  Well, shoes are fun, that's why I started it.  Which shoes?  What pictures do I have to share?  Should I try to write one of the posts that has been sort of swirling around in my brain half-formed?...
You get the idea.  This can go on for quite awhile, or it can take a matter of seconds to have all of these thoughts.  At any rate, today I am saved by my facebook friends who recently posted pictures to my timeline:
Sharks!  Not anatomically correct, maybe, but funny.  I wonder who wears shark shoes?  Just think of the comments I'd get on a Sunday morning if I wore these!
Dog shoes!  I like the collar detail.  I do wonder if anyone actually wears either of these silly pairs of shoes.  They are definitely folks with a quirky personality if they do.  In theory I'd like to think I'm fun and quirky, but in reality not so much.
***Edited:  And here is how the universe is funny all of the time.  I posted this entry, then went to read another blog, written by someone I went seminary with, and found this post on shoes.  This invariably happens, usually after I've worried and over-thought.  At any rate, in case you were wondering, I'm not the only pastor who thinks about shoes.  Even if this pastor does it in a much more elegant and better-written way than I do.

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