Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.  Lent is the season in the church that leads up to Holy Week and Easter.  It's considered to be a contemplative time in the church, and as such, many people use these (aproximately) 6 weeks to give something up (meat, TV, swearing, facebook, sweets, etc.) or to take on a new spiritual practice (regular bible study, more prayer time, charitable donations of time or money, etc).  It's a season that reminds us that we don't need so many of the things we think we must have in our lives, and a season that encourages us to strengthen our relationship with God and neighbor. 
I traditionally give up chocolate.  I love chocolate more than I love shoes, and could gladly eat chocolate every day, multiple times a day.  Lent is a reminder that I can go through life without it, no matter how much I might crave it.  This year I'm giving up chocolate and coffee.  I gave up caffeine a couple of years ago and have done fairly well at staying off it, but now I think I'll give up coffee, especially those expensive trips to Starbucks that I seem to be taking more than I should lately.
I'm also going to try to take something on this year.  I've been missing yoga and haven't done it in forever, so I thought I'd try to make it a regular practice to do some yoga and maybe spend that time in prayer and contemplation.  I'm also going to try to break out my flute and play it more regularly.  So, wish me luck.
Some day, if I'm feeling really "spiritual", I'll give up shoes for Lent.  I'll just wear the same pair for 6 weeks.  But not this year.  Nope.  I've got purple shoes that need wearing, the first of which you'll get to see on Sunday.  In the meantime, here is today's calendar pic.  They are from the 30s and woud be cute if it weren't for that crazy back.  Makes my ankle chafe just looking at them.  But the hilarious part is that they also have a lipstick holster!

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