Friday, February 8, 2013


Under the category of shoe gifts, several months ago a friend sent me a box of note cards.


Such a fun idea!  I love the cards, but I'm having a hard time actually using them.  Someone suggested choosing some of my favorites and framing them, which I love, but it also seems a bit selfish.  I should share the shoe love.  But I keep talking myself out of using them.  I keep thinking it has to be the perfect occasion to send them.  So there is my selfish confession for the day:  I am a terrible person who won't share  her shoe cards.

1 comment:

  1. I don't blame you. I'm the same way with cards I love. I had some beautiful cards with Maya Angelou poetry on them that I got at least 8 years ago, and would not use even for perfect occasions for a long, long time. Then a perfect occasion came up for one of them. I HAD to use it. Then another. I just used the last of them last week, when a friend here in Arlee died. I was so sad, but it was a beautiful card for his wife. I had to use it. I think you should keep your shoe cards, if that's what you want to do! And frame them all. I bet your friend would want you to do what YOU want to do with them!
