Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Progress Report

Today's shoes are purple...the calendar must know it's Lent!
I, however, am wearing red and black today (and believe me, I know it's Lent).  I don't  own enough purple to wear it every Wednesday and Sunday for 6 weeks.  So I'm not seasonally color-coordinated today.  Come to think of it, I wore red and black last week, also, just in a different configuration.  I've had the boots forever and they are some of my favorites.  Little pieces are starting to come off, though, so I might have to retire them soon.  Which is always sad with a pair of shoes I've had for a long time, but it also means I get to go shopping for new black boots one day in the future!
Last week on Ash Wednesday I outlined my plans for my Lenten disciplines.  On the giving stuff up I'm doing great.  No chocolate, no coffee, no problem.  I get the occasional craving, but so far so good.  On the taking-on I so far suck.  I haven't done any yoga, and my flute is still in it's case...hasn't even been taken out.  I'll blame both on the cold I have that has settled in my chest.  It's hard to do yoga and play a flute when breathing is difficult.  Yeah, that's it.  I'll go with that.  I'm much better at the giving up than I am at the taking on.  There's probably a lesson in there that I'm supposed to learn.  Maybe I'll learn it next year during Lent.

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