Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Red and Black. Again.

So my Wednesdays-in-Lent tradition continues for the third week in a row of wearing red and black.  I own a LOT of black because it goes easily with clerical collars.  And red is a nice way to brighten it  up.  So I'm not wearing the same outfit every week, just the same color scheme.  This week I'm wearing one of my favorite pairs of shoes:
I really love these.  I found them one day while wandering through DSW and HAD to have them.  I immediately sent a picture of them to a friend who went out the same day and bought the same pair.  Because we are awesome shoe twins like that.
Hmmmm...maybe next week I'll continue my trend by wearing these:

With a skirt.  Or even better, with capris!  Yep, total dork.  That's me.

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