Thursday, March 21, 2013

Arts Camp, Day 4

Holy buckets but I'm tired!  It's been a good week, but for some reason, this time the kids waited until Thursday to let loose with their Wednesday craziness.  We had meltdowns and injuries and cliques and tattling, and all of the rest of the usual stuff, just multiplied by what felt like about a million.  My volunteers are tired, I am tired, but the kids act like we fed them a huge bowl of sugar for both snack and lunch today.  Oh well.  One more day, and tomorrow is their program, which is always fun.
I only took pictures of tennies today for some reason:
I love the colors of these, including the socks.  This picture says spring to me.

5th Grade boy shoes.  See?  I can like boys' shoes, too.  The color didn't turn out well, because these have really cool lime green laces and details. 

Twin shoes!  Not shoes that are twins, but shoes on the feet of twins.  The yellow socks are actually tie-dyed.  Which is awesome.

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