Friday, March 15, 2013

From Food to Furniture

A friend of mine sent me a picture earlier this week of his daughter sitting on a shoe-shaped chair while waiting for her piano lessons.  I didn't post that picture for privacy issues because it had her beautiful, smiling face on it, but I thought it was a cute concept. Then this morning when I was on facebook and saw this on Shoe Box Porn:

The one my friend sent me was a kid version of these, but basically the same idea.  I'm not a huge fan of animal print, but I think the basic shape is cute.  I can't imagine where I would put one in my house, and I'm pretty sure the hubby would never approve.  Hmmm...I wonder what people would think if these were the visitors' chairs in my office? :-)


  1. They would probably laugh themselves silly. ME

  2. You would probably have visitors waiting in line down the hallway!:)

  3. I agree with Sueanne...these are too cute, I just wonder how comfortable they are? CO
