Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lent 3

I was still on retreat with the kiddos last Sunday so didn't have a need to wear Lenten purple shoes to worship.  Today I debuted my new purple boots:
I wanted to show the detailing, but once again the light in the room with the full length mirror is not great and they look more brown than purple, so I took a second picture to try and get the color.
Here the color is a little better, but holy buckets do I look stumpy.  Anyhoo, I ordered these because I wanted purple boots for Lent and didn't ever see any when I was out.  Frankly, I liked them better on-line.  They seemed more sparkly and less...biker?  I know they aren't biker, but the detailing didn't look like I was hoping it would.  They are also slumpier than I would like.  Lots of people at church still said they liked them, but they might have just been being polite.  These have what's described as an almond-shaped toe and I think I like my boots a little pointier.  I got some blue ones for Advent last year, and they had the same shaped toe and neither boot is terribly comfortable in the toe box.  Which then begs the question, why did I buy a second pair with the same shape?  These are the mysteries of my brain when it comes to shoes.

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