Friday, March 1, 2013

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Basically nothing except that it's a little blurry and maybe not the best angle.  What's wrong is with me.  And this stupid weather.  This is from Monday, but I'm wearing basically the same thing today.  It's been in the 70's here all week, which sounds lovely, right?  It's totally annoying.  OK, it's sunny and warm enough to break out capris and the Keenes, but it's frickin March 1st.  I need seasons!  I'm not saying I need a Montana or a Midwest winter, but give me a reason to wear comfy sweaters for more than a couple of weeks.  Give me some rain and chill and a reason to wrap up in a snuggly blanket with a book.  For those of you in the aforementioned places who are seriously wanting to kick me right now, I apologize.  I have no reason to whine.  I just miss seasons.  Seasons are awesome.
On a totally unrelated note, I looked at the page views for the blog today and this one has 673 page views.  It's because the post title contains that word that will pop up in searches, but I can only imagine how disappointed some people are when they click on the link and are directed to my dorky little shoe blog.  This makes me giggle.  I am easily amused.

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely, Sarah. I love seasons. My sister-in-law tried to convince me I need to move to a sunny place last Sunday when I was talking about my Seasonal Affective Disorder, but I think I would be MORE depressed if I had no seasons at all! (Not to mention I think she was trying to get me to move so she never had to be around me again. This while I was taking she and my brother to breakfaast. To be fair, she didn't at that moment KNOW I was buying breakfast.) Jo
