Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Another picture from a friend on facebook:

I've been posting a lot of Yeesh kind of shoes lately, so I thought a positive post might be nice.  And this one comes with a sugar rush (even better, a sugar rush that won't go straight to your hips)!  I think these are adorable, and could come in lots of fun colors.  But are they too cute to eat?
On another note, parishioners who mostly see me on Sundays are usually shocked when they see me during the week and I'm wearing flats.  Flats are just so much more practical for running around all day.  Doesn't mean they can't be cute though.  Here are the green ballet flats I'm wearing today...please ignore that my pants are too long.
Finally, the news in the world is that there is a new pope.  Which of course begs the question, what kind of shoes does the pope wear?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man, I'm on a diet! That was really, really hard, as today is the 3rd day without any sweets, and that's the day the sweet cravings try to sabotage me! Yikes, and then I see those delicious-looking shoes...hey, wait. That sounds disgusting. Maybe I'm okay after all. :-) Jo
