Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Easter Shoes (Even Though it's Nowhere Near Easter)

Many days I have no idea what I'm going to write about on here.  Today is one of them.  The calendar shoe is fine, but I don't feel like writing about it.  I searched a few options, and nothing jumped out at me, either.  Then I started going through the shoe folder in my pictures file to see if there was anything I hadn't used yet and I found these:

They're from Easter several years ago.  2007, maybe?  I was home, so I think it must have been pre-ordination.  Which just goes to shoe I've been photographing my shoes for awhile now.  I'm not even sure when it started.  The top picture is me and Flower and the bottom is me and my sister.  My shoes were really comfortable and even had a matching purse that went with them.  I no longer have them, though.  They were the victims of one of my many pre-moving purges.  My shoe collection is pretty much in constant rotation, which is why I only ever buy fairly inexpensive shoes.  Except for my day-to-day shoes where I want really good arch support, I never spend much on shoes so that I can a.) buy more, and b.) not feel terribly guilty when I give them to Goodwill after several years.
PS--I love that Flower is holding her dress up in her picture...just to make sure we can see her shoes!

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