Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I love these.  They are a brighter green in real life that I am sad didn't show up well in the picture.  They look insanely uncomfortable.  Even with the platform they still look really high and like the angle between heel and toes is not good.  Still, I'd at least try them on.
 I decided to look them up to see how much they were.  Surprisingly they were "only" $260.  This is insanely high in my book, but compared to some of the other shoes I've looked up from the calendar this is relatively cheap.  So I might try them on, but I definitely wouldn't buy them.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, dear God, anyone who would wear these would have to be insane! I put my feet in the position I imagine these would put them in, and just getting them to that position hurt - without the shoes! Yes, they are pretty...but I wouldn't buy them or wear them for $26, or $2.60..or even $.26! Jo
