Sunday, June 16, 2013

Fuzzy Socks

As usual, post-camp, I have gotten sick.  Feels like another sinus infection and possibly bronchitis, but I won't know for sure until I see the doctor on Tuesday.  Being sick makes me want to snuggle in bed in comfy clothes and fuzzy socks.  At least if it wasn't summer, and hot.  But, I've been thinking about fuzzy socks so here you go:

Yay stripes!  I would like a pair of each, please.

Usually I love polka dots, and I like these just fine, but not as much as I love the stripes.

Oooh, stripes AND cute animal faces!  Actually, the hubby got me some like these a couple of Christmases ago.  He got the frogs with variegated green stripes, and pink striped ones with pigs.  I called them my Fighting Frogs of Fury.  I had a name for the pigs, too, but now I can't remember it.  Something with P alliteration.  For now, though, I will take my non fuzzy striped sock feet to bed and try to feel better.


  1. Seems it may have had somethning to do with pugilistic. ME

    1. I remembered later it was Pigs of Power. So maybe Pugilistic Pigs of Power? Fighting Frogs of Fury still has a better ring to it.
