Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ups and Downs

Is anyone else having emotional whiplash from all of the political craziness of the last couple of days?  One friend summed it up this way:  yesterday SCOTUS took us back to the 50s in terms of race and voting issues, while today they brought us into the 21st Century in terms of equality and marriage rights.  Throw in Wendy Davis' filibuster in TX yesterday over a bill about abortion, and holy cow, it's been crazy.  I don't normally talk about politics here (or anywhere, really), because it is so very divisive.  I'm not going to go into it much now, but I will say that I am not the kind of pastor that is normally featured when people complain about Christians.  I'm a liberal feminist.  And a Christian.  And a pastor.  So there.  In honor of all of those roles, here is a picture I found of these shoes in multiple colors:
Despite their ankle imprisonments, I'm pretty sure I need them in every color.

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