Monday, July 15, 2013

Blue Polka Dots

Today was an errand day with the hubby.  We did a lot of running around, but topped it off with sushi and a movie, so that helped make up for all of the errand-ing.  While the hubby went to Verizon to see about getting is phone fixed, I went to DSW for some browsing.  I didn't buy anything, but I found the cutest pair of navy blue peep-toe pumps with white polka dots.  And they were on sale.  So cute.  Soooo much will power to walk away.  These aren't the shoes, but they are pretty close:
Since I didn't buy them in reality, I went virtual shoe shopping and gazed at even more blue shoes with polka dots.  There are tons if you want to go peruse.  Here is a sampling of what I found.

I covet these so hard.  I don't think any of my pastor friends read this, so they can't absolve me from my coveting.

Not my favorite, but I was going for a variety of styles.

I love these, too.  They say summer to me.  I'd still probably wear them in the winter, though, considering I live in CA.

They even have them in t-straps!
I tried to restrain myself as I could have posted so many more.  See?  I'm all about the will power today.

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