Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Handbag Wednesday

OK, OK...clearly I can't seem to remember this on Tuesday.  Maybe I'll switch it to Wednesdays.  Or whenever I remember it.  Today I hit up one of our church members, who was here fixing a broken door.  He chose page 10:

This is pre 1890; a Turkish bag made for the European market.  Sadly this was the best of the pictures I took.  A photographer, I am not.  Plus, my phone doesn't always take the best of pictures. Anyway, I like this one.  The detailing is nice.  I did a quick image search for Turkish shoes of about the same time period and found these:

I love these.  A lot.  I mean, they're blue, so that earns them points right away.  The detailing is beautiful, too.  They don't go with the purse, but I wasn't looking for a matching set.  I would definitely add these to  my imaginary shoe closet.

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