Saturday, October 19, 2013

All in the Fam

So, my family is awesome.  I know I'm completely biased, but if you met them, you would be forced to agree that they are awesome.  The Bean told mom the other day that she wants to "be a shoe girl like Auntie."  This was after trying on 5 and 6 inch heels and strutting around Target in them.  I'm both proud and a little frightened.  She ended up buying some fur lined "practical" boots, while Double A ended up with these:
Mom said these have a cute wedge heel that's about an inch and a half.  Double A might not have my love of heels, but these shoes are for her upcoming play this weekend, and as I was also in drama in Jr. High and High School, of course I've decided she takes after me.  And she still has cute taste in shoes.
The brother posted this on my facebook page today:
If I haven't posted these before, I've posted something similar, and I'll say the same thing:  These are clearly for winter, where it is cold.  What in the heck are you doing wearing that much heel in the snow??!!  Hey, brother, I think you should buy these and rock them with your kilt...
The boots are a little crazy, but my 2nd cousin sent me shoes that blew right past crazy:
Why why why are these in existence?  Who would ever wear them?  I should have written this post earlier, because now I'm pretty sure these are going to give me nightmares...


  1. The Bean bought slippers, with outdoor soles, because they are more practical than heels and more comfortable. She's pretty much worn them nonstop. Did I mention that they were fur lined? You will probably be shocked to pieces but we were at Payless Shoes instead of Target - I know! The Bean also decide to be a good little sister and break in AA's new shoes for her since AA was at play practice all day. ME

    1. You did mention the fur-lined part. They sound quite lovely and comfortable! And that is hilarious about the breaking in. How did big sister feel about little sister taking over her shoes? Oh wait, it's Double A and she is such a sweetie she was probably fine with it.

    2. AA was totally fine with it but between church & the matinee she did her own breaking in since the Bean stole the shoes she had worn to church. The Bean likes heels but apparently not for bike riding. ME
