Sunday, November 3, 2013

Book 7

Yesterday I mentioned how I wished I could read and crochet at the same time.  Ideally, I would love to be able to read, crochet and soak in a hot bath at the same time.  The last couple of days I have kind of managed 2 of the 3.  As you know, I've been working my way through the Harry Potter series while I drive, but since I got to the last one I've been listening to it while I crochet as well.  I always get like this at the end.  I want to race to the end to see how it all turns out (even though I already know), but I also know that once I'm done I will be bereft and sad about the ending.  Sigh...the struggles of a reader.  Anyway, I'm over half way through The Deathly Hallows

If you've read the book, you will know what the symbol on the shoes is about.  If you haven't, what the hell is the matter with you?  Read the books!  I like the simplicity of the last pair of shoes the best.  Awesome.  I will be sad to finish the series (until I start them again in a year or so), and sad that I won't be sharing shoes from each book with you.  Although maybe you'll be glad not to be bombarded with yet another HP post, since I've done something like 11 of them...

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