Monday, November 18, 2013

Happy Birthday, Flower!

Today is Flower's 8th birthday.  All of my nieces are growing up way too fast. What the heck?  It's all very wrong, and I think they should stop it right now.   Except, of course, that each age seems to be more fun than the last, and they are all growing into such beautiful and amazing young women.  And no, I am not biased at all, so just hush already.  Right now, Flower's favorite color is light purple.  I myself went through a lavender phase, so I totally understand.  In honor of Miss Flower's birthday, here are some light purple shoes for you to peruse (heehee...rhyming):

OK, so they aren't all light purple.  I did the best I could.  Hopefully she won't be too offended with me.  Don't hate your auntie, Flower!   But please do have a happy birthday.  Wish we could be there.


  1. I'm guessing she would like them all! Purple is her favorite color but she wears a lot of pink as well. ME

    1. She will have to look and see which pair(s) she likes best. :-)
