Friday, December 27, 2013

3rd Day of Christmas

I forgot to mention yesterday what a delightfully relaxing day it was.  I got to sleep in!  The hubby and I went to lunch, but other than that we didn't do much, just hung out together and watched a little TV.  I crocheted 2 projects, but other than that, didn't really accomplish anything.  Partly it's because I woke up with my back spasming so I spent a lot of the day with the heating pad.  It was pretty good when I went to bed last night, but bad again this morning. I'm currently hanging out at church with my friend the heating pad.  The hubby says I'm going to slowly cook my flesh off, but I kinda like it.
So, today is the 3rd day of Christmas, which means 3 French Hens:
Clearly this hen is French because she is wearing a beret.  And saying Oh la la.  Fancy Nancy would approve, I think.  I also think her little shoes are cute.

The shoes don't do much for me, but the chickens crack me up.  I'm easily amused.
For the 3rd day of Christmas I am wearing another pair of socks from SKD.  These were a set with yesterday's pair.  Technically they are both winter socks rather than specifically Christmas socks, which I like, because it means I can wear them longer.  But since I don't think I have 12 days worth of Christmas socks, they will be included.
The nieces got hats, the staff got cup cozies and matching washcloths. It was kind of a random present, but I thought they turned out fairly cute.  My grandmother always made washcloths like this (although she could knit and I can't), and they are my favorite kind.  The hubby thought I was insane for giving these as gifts.  Oh well.  I made a couple of washcloths for my mom about 10 years ago since the ones my grandma had made were starting to get a little ratty.  She decided they were too pretty to use, though.  She says she's saving them for "when the queen comes to visit."  I keep telling her I will make her more when those wear out, but they were still in that drawer, unused, last time I looked.  Silly mom.


  1. Gotta save a couple 'cause you just never know when the queen might decide to drop in. Check next time you're home they may have been used. ME

    1. Why, are you going to use them in the next few days because I quilted you on the blog? :-P

    2. Since people other than me do dishes around here I never know what's been used and what hasn't. ME
