Sunday, December 29, 2013

5th Day of Christmas

On the 5th day of Christmas my true love gave to me 5 GOOOOOLD RIIIIINGS!  Ba dum bum bum!
Did you know that I have an assistant?  OK, not really, but the Pinterest friend is at it again, this time finding me stuff for my 12 days of Christmas posts:
It's not gold, but it's a shoe ring!  Man, this thing would stick really far above your finger.  You could totally clock someone with it.  But that would be wrong.
It's not 5 golden rings, either, but it is a gold, shoe key ring.  It's cute, too.  I'd use this key chain.
My back is still bugging me (grrrr) so I knew I wasn't going to wear heels today for church.  The Bean borrowed my saddle shoes for Halloween, and mom just sent them back with our Christmas gifts.  I saw them in the box last night and thought, huh...I'm going to wear those to church today!  I probably looked like I was wearing bowling shoes with my clerical and dress, but I don't care.  Lots of people still said they were cute.  I shall believe them and ignore any other opinion (sorry, mom).
After church I changed into the day's Christmas socks:
These are from the preschool director, either last year or the year before.  She has the same pair, so we are sock twins.  I love the polka dots.
I don't wear gold jewelry, so don't need 5 gold rings.  For this 5th day of Christmas I am "watching" football with the hubby.  Hope you're doing something fun!




  1. I watched Frozen for the 3rd & 4th time. I'm sorry but saddle shoes and wing tips are never going to rate highly with me. Have you tried making 5 silver rings fit the music? ME

  2. Well I could, but that's not how the song goes. And you know me...I'm a stickler for accuracy. :-P
