Monday, January 20, 2014

Mary Janes

My seester left me a hilarious voicemail that I got while I was at the Salt Lake airport on Friday.  She had been watching Dennis the Menace with Flower and Laughter and the voicemail was her quoting one of the many hilarious lines from the movie.  I started to laugh hysterically and got some rather strange looks from the people sitting near me.  Tonight I was wanting something to watch while I folded laundry and there was Dennis the Menace!  I had totally forgotten I'd owned it.  So now I am watching it and totally cracking up.  Anyway, the Margaret character spends the whole movie in dresses and Mary Janes, so I decided I needed to go ogle some.  At first I was just looking at blue ones, but then I thought I'd branch out so those of you who like other colors besides blue could play too.

Love these.  Totally covet them.

Oooh...adorable AND practical!

DJ is totally into camo right now, so these are for her .

Purple and funky.  Love the details.

Also funky.  Not terribly fond of the heel, but I love the rest of the shoe.

Pooooolka dots!

So, what have we learned this evening?  We have learned that I nee to peruse my movie collection more often, and that I need to buy some MaryJanes.

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