Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Shoe Stuff

I got back from my allergy shots and physical therapy (try not to be jealous of the excitement) today and got a lovely gift from our preschool director.  She'd been at the dollar store for some reason and found this:

Shoe wine glass!  I don't drink a lot of wine (the hubby doesn't drink and I can drink about a half a glass every couple of weeks, so opening a bottle seems silly), but I will definitely have to start drinking the occasional wine from a shoe glass!  I could probably drink water out of it, too.  Or chocolate milk or something.  She got me 2; isn't she sweet?

The Pinterest Friend has continued sending me pins, but I have been remiss in sharing.  So here are 2 from the last month or so.

It was labeled something like "the perfect way to store rings."  Sometimes I think Pinterest folks have too much time on their hands.  While I appreciate that someone came up with this, I find it less than attractive.  Basically I store my rings in my jewelry box.  I guess you can see them better this way, but I can guarantee I'm finding a much cuter shoe if I ever try something like this!  Oh, and please don't think I'm being rude to the PF here.  I love that she sends me stuff she finds.  On a side note, she loves owls, so the fact that there are 2 in this picture makes it pretty awesome.

She also sent these.  Red?  Sparkles?  T-strap?  Whats not to love?  These would definitely have a place in my imaginary closet in the imaginary life where I live in a 50's musical.  Ooooh...think of the outfit that would go with these!  I have a council meeting tonight to go over the constitution and by-laws of our congregation...would it be wrong of me to search for said outfit during that time?

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