Saturday, February 1, 2014

Shoe Art

Once again I have to tell you that I have awesome friends and family.  I kept forgetting to take a picture of this, but it arrived in the mail on Monday from my auntie.  She said she found it on the streets of NYC and thought of me.

I love the shoe.  I have no idea why that man is trying to chop it down with a chainsaw.  OK, that's not entirely true.  I could hazard some guesses, but who knows exactly what the artist intended?  I just know it's a cool shoe and that I have a very cool auntie who spoils me.

This I've actually had for a year and a half.  Our preschool director gave it to me for one of my bridal showers, and I really love it.  I also just noticed that you can see me in the reflection of the glass.  Anyway,  I love the shoes, the clutch, the hatbox.  You know where I should put these?

In this amazing shoe room!  Surely the hubby wants me to have one, and my dad wants to come here and build it.  Right?  My cousin sent me this picture.  See?  Another awesome relative!

1 comment:

  1. You are truly a lucky lady to have all that awesomeness in your life! ME
