Saturday, March 29, 2014

Happy Birthday, DJ!

I can't believe my oldest niece is 17 today.  Where does the time go?  I was still in college when she was born, only 5 years older than she is now.  That is SO weird.  She's a young woman, and she's turning out beautifully.  We'd better look at some shoes before I get all sniffly.  DJ isn't much of a girly girl, although she will dress up when the occasion calls for it (holy buckets, she was gorgeous at our wedding).  She's more comfortable in jeans and t-shirts.  She also likes camo, which is so far out of my own sense of fashion I almost can't comprehend it.  But hey, she has her own style, and I respect that.  So here are some camo shoes for you, DJ:

As we all know, I do love me an ankle strap.  These are actually cute even though I would never go for the camo.

Actually these might be cute, also?  Maybe if they didn't have quite such a high heel DJ would be more apt to wear them.  Or maybe I just have to teach her to walk in heels.

Oh hell no.  These are are a world of no.  Absolutely not.  Camo or not, the nieces do not need to wear thigh high boots.  Although, DJ is just under 5 feet, so these would probably come up to her hips, which kind of makes me giggle.  High heeled hip waders.  Fashionable yet dangerous.

Nope.  Not in blue can I get on board with the camo.  And ankle strap or no, these are way too clunky for my taste.  Oh well.  The girl likes camo, and I love the girl, so I think we're OK.

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