Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I must be thinking about the BFF more than usual this week.  Last night it was Eeyore, and tonight it's purple.  But it's also Lent, and the color for Lent is purple.  Last year I posted purple shoes every Sunday, but since I've been on leave, I'm not color coordinating my shoes with the liturgical calendar.  Actually, I've only worn heels once since I went on leave.  I know.  Crazy, right?  Anyhoodle, tonight I'm thinking about purple.  These aren't my shoes, just fun purple shoes that I found.

Oooh, purple suede.  Simple and awesome.  And I like the lower heel.  No, really.

Crocheted purple shoes!  When I saw them in the thumbnail they almost looked like jelly shoes, but these are better.  So cute.

Purple sparkly with silver heels and ankle straps?  These would be awesome under my alb.

Purple sparkly t-straps!  But can I just say I'm getting tired of the hidden platform look?

I shouldn't like these.  But I do.  I shall discuss this at my next therapy session.

Love love love.  I would definitely wear these for Lent.  And other times as well.

Good night.  Dream of shoes in the color of your choice...


  1. I bet that post was for flower and the bean. ME

    1. You will have to show them all the fun shoes!
