Saturday, March 1, 2014


Lent is coming; Ash Wednesday is March 5th this year.  Lent is the season of the church year leading up to Easter.  It's a contemplative time, and a time to think about our spirituality.  Some people look at the season as journeying toward the cross with Jesus.  Lent is kind of like New Year's because some people decide to make changes during the season.  One option is to give something up.  For instance, chocolate or meat or alcohol. Take it a step further, and you can donate the money you save not buying those things to a food pantry or World Hunger, or something like that.  Another option is to take something on.  Like prayer, meditation, service, etc.  For the last 20 years or more I have always given up chocolate.  It's a good reminder to me that as much as I love it, I don't actually need it, and there are more important things in life.  I've also given up caffeine for around half of those years (prompting my brother to say one year, "man, you must be a bitch to live with during Lent!  Brothers.  Aren't they special?).  So here's my question to you, my lovely readers:  Should I give up chocolate again this year?  I feel like with this leave I'm currently on, I am already taking on more things:  exercise, better eating, therapy, discernment.  Part of me thinks that's enough.  But then there's the other part of me.  The stuck-in-a-rut part.  The liking to do things the same way part.  In other words, the (ahem) Lutheran part.  I have until Tuesday to decide.  If I decide to give it up, then I must spend Mardi Gras eating as much chocolate as humanly possible.  What do you think?  Thoughts?  Suggestions?  (I've already decided I'm not giving up caffeine.  I've been drastically limiting my intake already, but don't feel like dealing with the withdrawal headache right now)

And now to shoes.  And shoes that are pretty much the antithesis of the first paragraph.

Cake shoes.  Not cupcakes that look like shoes, but shoes that look like cake.  Actual shoes.

Oh my goodness, I think these are perfect for me.  I would seriously just want to lick my own feet, though, and that would get me even more weird looks.

Aren't they beautiful and scrumptious looking?  I'm not sure I actually want a pair to wear, but as art they are pretty cool, and beautifully.  I of course love this pair because they are blue.  It makes me think of my grandma, though, who hated blue food, and so would therefor, presumably, hate these shoes.

For all of you who love the green.  Didn't want to leave you out.

There are more pictures.  You should really go check out the whole article, as it's pretty cool.


  1. Just don't be like the Bean and give up everything sweet and caffeine. That was a pretty miserable 6 weeks for a little girl. Now she just gives up one thing. ME

  2. Give up shoes, wear one pair the entire 6 weeks!

  3. I like the chocolate shoes too ! I am also thinking about getting some early Easter candy ( Reese miniatures) and eat all of them by Tuesday...then by Easter I will be over my sugar cravings?
