Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Happy Birthday, Big Brother

Yep, today is my big brother's birthday.  He is 4 years older than I, and during our lives as siblings I have both hero-worshiped and been completely annoyed with him.  So, typical siblings.  I like to call him big brother like Sally does with Charlie Brown.

He's not *quite* so dorky as Charlie Brown (heehee).

This picture is pretty accurate to what it would look like if I took the brother shoe shopping with me.

Yes, the brother's birthday is, in fact, on April Fool's Day.  We weren't allowed to play pranks as kids because it was his birthday and that would be rude.  So I tend to be fairly gullible on April 1st as I first and foremost think of it as my brother's birthday.  But clearly he needs these shoes.

The brother is way addicted to coffee.  I would say 95% of his facebook posts are about coffee.  Not that he's a girl who wears heels, but come on, these are heels shaped like a pot pouring coffee!  Maybe his girls need these (he is the father of DJ, Double A, and The Bean).

Um...if these said king and were men's shoes then maybe?  Yeah, he still wouldn't wear them.  He really is no fun with no sense of adventure.

OK, so enough shoes.  You need a brother story.  My brother was/is evil.  Growing up my sister had a calico cat.  This cat did not like me.  So what did my brother do?  EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING the brat would rile up that cat until she was absolutely hyper and pissed off.  So, EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING when I got up and wandered sleepily out of my room (never was a morning person), that damn cat would attack my ankles and I would run screaming to the bathroom.  Yeah, happy birthday, butthead.


  1. It's nice to see that some things never change! ME

    1. I have no idea what it is to which you are referring...
