Sunday, May 4, 2014


It was a busy weekend.  There were errands (the hubby always has a list for when he is home and it always seems to involve driving someplace farther away than I think we should drive.  Whatever), socializing, yard work, garage organizing, car cleaning and probably other stuff that I'm not remembering because I am tired.  Forget all that other stuff, it takes forever for me to recover from socializing these days.  But did you catch that part of the list about yard work?  Yep, I actually got out into the sunshine today.  I'm very much a cave dweller these days, so it was really good for me to soak up some vitamin D.  I also had a mild asthma attack, got a 3 inch scrape/cut on my foot from the rose bush, ripped my shirt on the gate, smooshed the same foot under the yard waste bin...  Did I mention that I get klutzy when I'm stressed, depressed, or anxious?  Oh yeah, today's stuff joins the many bruises I've gotten from running to walls and things, and the scrapes and bruises on my shoulders from somehow repeatedly managing to whack myself with the car doors. I also ran into the hubby's arm while he was taking his shirt off.  How the heck does that happen?  But, the positive!  The sunshine! Pulling weeds with very "helpful" puppies!  To celebrate, we are going to look at happy shoes:

And tonight that means sunflowers.  See how happy these shoes are?

It takes some imagination on this one, but I still like it.

I keep going back and forth on these, from love to eesh.  When I first glance at them they're too much.  But they're such a pretty blue, and I love the way the yellow contrasts.  They're a little too busy, maybe, but I'm coming down on the side of happy.

Speaking of busy and happy!

These aren't exactly sunflowers, but close enough.  They're shoe clips!  And now I want some.  In many colors.  So fun and sunny and bright and happy.

Happy shoes deserve a happy video:

I hope your day involved the bright and happy.  But not the klutziness.

1 comment:

  1. Love the sunflower shoes, especially the kid pair. ME
