Tuesday, May 6, 2014


First off, I'm wondering WHY am I still awake?  Again?  Every night I am exhausted think I'm going to go to bed early.  Then I get a second wind and find myself awake way too late.  I'm turning into a night owl like my mother (Hi, Mom!).  But whatever.  At least I get my posts done this way.  So, a couple of things I forgot to post the last few days:

I got this on Saturday at a friend's birthday party.  It's a belated birthday present for me, which seems a little unfair since it wasn't my party, but I brought a present for the birthday girl as well as the person who gave me this awesome apron.  (we were even later with her present as her birthday is a full month before mine)  How cute is this?  It's by Melissa Anne Designs, and she has some stinkin' cute stuff.

I probably would cook for shoes.  Although I'm a better baker, so if you want some killer baked goods, please feel free to buy me shoes!

Here's the ruffle at the bottom.  All kinds cute shoes, eh?  It's actually a lot pinker in real life than it is in the pictures.  I'm not a huge fan of pink, but I will definitely make an exception in the face of all this cuteness.

Speaking of cuteness, Laughter took this yesterday with Mom's phone and had her send it to  me.  She's quite the aspiring photographer, yes?  Mom says she does a good job when she keeps her fingers out of the way.  Considering she's 3, I think she's doing pretty well.  I'm 39 and don't always manage to keep my fingers out of the way.

And we will end on a hilarious note.  The PF sent this to me on Monday, commenting that they were very Chewbacca-like, which was very appropriate since Monday was Star Wars Day.  Mostly these just look itchy to me.  I would constantly think there was something crawling on my foot.  Plus, I'd be sliding out of the slingbacks all the darn day.  How many hair extensions had to die to make this shoe?!


  1. Now you know why I'm always up way to late! :-) ME

    1. Because you have to write your shoe blog? :-P

  2. Glad to see I have company tonight ...or early morning. My excuse is that I drank tooo much ice tea...cant relax for sleep.. and going to the bathroom often

    1. Laughter wants to know how her shoes got on Nana's computer. Nana & Laughter
