Wednesday, July 30, 2014

An Odd Combination

Some days I know exactly what I'm going to write about, while others I wander around Google for awhile until I find something that catches my eye.  Tonight I came across this shoe:

I'm sure  you know how much I love polka dots and an ankle strap.  I wouldn't normally expect to like these because pink and red together are just a little too much like Valentine's Day.  But I think these are fun, and they make me think of a really cute retro dress, maybe 50s or 40s.

These are adorable.  Pink and red totally works with these, and they are going in the Potential Baby's imaginary shoe closet.

These are cute but way too much.  I really like the flower pattern fabric, but the 3 dimensional flowers take it too far over the top for me. 

Not my favorite.  I don't think this particular combination of red and pink works well together, and the pink fabric looks worn, like a seat cover that's been sat on too much.

Like the polka dots, I kind of like these.  Not as much as the polka dots, and I don't think I would ever wear these.  Maybe it's the stripes that drew me in.

These might actually be purple and red.  Maybe fuchsia?  Or foooosha, as The Bean used to say.  I think some sassy Red Hat lady needs these for her next outing.

Yay!  A wedge.  Again, not my favorite, but I was excited to find a wedge.  (and no, Auntie, not THAT wedge)

So there you have it.  Pink and red.  Not my usual color, and definitely on the girlier side, which I tend to not be, but still some OK shoes.  Definitely better than last night's selection!


  1. Ahhhh - I haven't been to the wedge forever. On a different note (literally) - I got promoted to music manager for the dulcimer group today!!! :-). KMc

    1. Congrats! Was it because of your awesome basket dancing skills?
