Saturday, July 26, 2014

Celtic Festival

The auntie, seester, brother, and all 5 nieces went to the Celtic Festival in Missoula today.  So jealous!  It's like they're trying to make me more homesick than last night.  I would have loved to have gone with them, and hope they had a great time.  I went to it once, maybe 10 years ago, so it's probably grown since then.  The auntie and I used to go to Celtic festivals a lot when we lived in Texas, and I always wanted to buy every piece of jewelry and all the McKenzie plaid in sight.  So maybe it's good I didn't go today!  Since the biggest excitement of our day was that the hubby and I got the oil changed in his car, I think I'm going to go with the Celtic theme for tonight's post.

Clearly the next time the hubby and I get married it will have a Celtic theme and I will wear these.  Sadly, I can't get him into a kilt.

I'm not an Irish Step Dancer (although think of the great shape I'd be in if I was), but I though this was awfully sweet.

Celtic Tree of Life.  I wish she wasn't wearing black hose with these, because the hose are hideous and very much detracting from the coolness of the shoes.  But obviously no one asked me.

I couldn't find a front view of these, but they look fun.  They would be awesome in all kinds of colors.

The picture said these were "shoe wings," which I'd never heard of, but which are clearly wings that go on shoes.  I like the Celtic knot design, I know many many many of you will like the green.

Not my favorite of the group.  I like that the straps seem to be iridescent, but the  knot seems like it's too much for the daintiness of the straps.

Had to have a baby shoe.  One more item for the Potential Baby's imaginary shoe closet.  Hey, if I can have one, so can s/he.

Random fact of the evening:  My first tattoo is a Celtic Knot.

For this last part I want to make sure you are sitting down first.  Are you?  Because I'm already in bed.  Can you believe it?  And I'm going to sleep as soon as I post this.  It's almost like I'm a normal person!

1 comment:

  1. They all said they had fun. Laughter said it was AWESOME! and that there was clothes and food and fans there. Plus Pippi, Tink, their mom, sister, bob and grandpa were there. What more could an almost 4 yr. old want from a day. ME
