Friday, August 1, 2014


On Wednesday I flipped over the calendar page and was confronted by this insanity:

What the hell is this?  Why is this?  Is this a pump?  A booty?  A boot?  If I ever have an urge to play soccer in heels, I could wear these and have built in shin guards?  This is just messed up.

In a frightening coincidence, this week SBP has also been posting insane "boots."  Again, I say why?  I assume there is clear plastic holding this together, but it looks like the shoe is attached to the foot with silver studs.

So these are boots without the heels and toes.  Just in case your feet get hot with all of the horrible bedazzling and straps, at least you have some ventilation.  Oy.

Booties without heels and toes.  At least they aren't bedazzled to within an inch of their lives, but the zipper isn't attractive either.

Let's move on from the ickiness, shall we?  As promised, here are the third and final shoes from my gift card shopping spree.

Apparently I was on a flower kick, as I bought three pair of sandals, all with flowers on them.  These are a little tight through the upper straps, but I'm hoping they'll loosen up as I break the shoes in.

And they're wedges!  So, see?  I haven't give up on heels entirely.  Hopefully these are cute enough for you to be able to wipe some of the previous boots from your inner eye.  I would hate for you to have nightmares.


  1. Be very afraid! The bean was wearing a pair very similar to that last pair on Thurs. The heels were thicker but otherwise very similar. ME

  2. Not the cute sandals, the black zippered boots.

    1. I was afraid that's what you meant. I hope they're cuter in person.
