Monday, September 22, 2014

Happy Fall!

OK, technically it won't be Fall here for another hour, but for those of you in the other time zones, you're already there.  I love Fall, it's my favorite season, and I miss it.  We get some leaves that change here, and some of them are very pretty, but it's not the same.  I miss crunching through a layer of leaves, kicking them, and jumping in piles of them.  Yes, I do know I'm very immature.  Let's celebrate the change of season with some shoes!

Hmmm...these don't make me want to celebrate.  These are frumpy.

But these are awesome!

These are OK.  Definitely on point theme-wise.

I actually really like the orange tennies.  I also love pictures of feet in leaves.  In fact, the PF posted one on Facebook of her shoes in the leaves in Idaho, and I was totally jealous.

I'm not as sure about the feather on these, but the colors are fun, and they almost look like stained glass.

Gingham.  Leaves.  Fun.

I am intrigued by these.  Hate the thing between the toes, but these are actually pretty cute.

So, Happy Fall!  Go out and  kick some leaves for me.

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