Sunday, September 14, 2014

My Least Favorite Season

The calendar tells me that it's technically still summer, but to me September means Fall.  Unfortunately the weather didn't get the memo as we've been right around triple temperatures the past few days.  Normally Fall is my favorite season.  I love the change in colors, the cooler weather, cool, crisp nights.  Now I live in California.  Land of no seasons.  This doesn't make Fall my least favorite season, though.  Nope.  My least favorite season occurs around the same time, but has nothing to do with the weather.  It's football season, ladies and gentlemen.  Thankfully this year I'm not playing fantasy football, so I don't have to pay as much attention, but the hubby looooves football and sadly I absorb more information than I want to by osmosis.  On the plus side, football season makes for some relaxing Sundays.  The puppies and I camp out on the couch with the hubby while he watches the games.  He watches, the puppies nap (sometimes me, too), and I can read or crochet or play on the internet, or work on the list or whatever.  So I guess it's not that bad.  Except that I hate ESPN.  Dear lord, could they just SHUT UP already???  Ahem.  Anyhoo, let's move on to some shoes.

Well these definitely stick with a theme.  I don't actually hate them.  I don't want to own them, but I think they would be kind of funny to wear to a super bowl party or something.

Because you know what's necessary in life?  High heeled cleats.  Eye roll...

So, my cousin sent me this shoe recently, but in just plain black.  Now, shoes with a spine for a heel are pretty odd, although not as odd as some shoes I've had on this site.  But football shoes with a spine for a heel make me sad.  These just make me think of all the injuries that happen in football.  Maybe that's the point?  I really have no idea what the point of these shoes would be.  I'm just making stuff up at this point.

These look more like clown shoes, but they were labeled as football shoes.  Either way these are just plain ugly.

So we clean our palates with some cuteness.

So cute!  Anyone need me to make them some football booties?  Because I need something to occupy me during games...

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