Friday, September 19, 2014

Pastor-y Shoes

I had a lovely lunch today with a group of women pastors.   I knew 4 of them, and 3 were new.  I was super nervous going in for a couple of reasons:  First I wasn't sure if I remembered how to be social, second I haven't hung out with pastors for awhile, so I was worried about feeling awkward, and third, I was nervous that I would feel like an imposter since I haven't worked in a church since mid-February.  I did feel awkward, I did feel like an imposter, and it was hard to be social at times, but for the most part I'm really glad I went.

Now, I know you're going to be surprised, and maybe won't believe me, but I didn't look at a single pair of shoes that those 7 pastors were wearing.  I know!  I was surprised myself.  So I decided to go look see what the internet considers "pastor shoes."

These aren't bad, actually.  But I don't think I'd wear them.  I understand why crosses would be the theme for pastor shoes, but they are just a little too spot on.

These are pretty.  Still wouldn't wear them.  They look like tattoos.

Oooooh, sparkly.  What's up with the greenish-yellow soles?

I guess people who wear orthopedic shoes might want cross shoes, too?  Dang, these are ugly.

Still spot-on, but in a more funky way that I like a lot better.  These I might wear if they had a different heel.  I know, I know, stop being so picky.

Love the colors, ;ove the bible verse, like the shape of the cross.  Don't like the animal print or the heart with wings.  Take those and maybe the flowers away and I would probably wear them.

Holy crap.  I don't know what to say about these.  I would almost be tempted to wear them with my alb.  First, it would be funny, and second, seeing the looks on parishioners' faces would be awesome.

This is Luther's seal, and if I found some white canvas shoes with this painted on them, I would actually wear them.  But just this, I think.  Not a lot of other floof.  I'd also do this as a fifth tattoo if I were to get another.

So what I learned today is as much as I normally like a theme shoe, I think I'll stick with crosses on my wall and as necklaces.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize I was caught up with you in tattoes. Time for a 5th for us both. KMc
