Friday, October 31, 2014


Like last year, tonight's post is a lot of pictures without much commentary because apparently I'm old and Halloween wears me out now.

New socks!  I totally wore these with capris all day.

Puppy sweaters.  Poor Tallulah looked like she needed therapy for the first hour or so.  Then she seemed to get used to it.  Chalupah just thought he was hot stuff as soon as I put it on him.

Teeny pumpkin friend.  I made it out of part of the centerpiece from our dinner party last Saturday.

I love these guys.  The hubby had to work today, so I had to make the storm troopers.  I'll have to compare to the pictures from last year to see how I did.

I'm Batbear.

Movie on the side of the house, cauldron full of theater box candy, and a crock pot full of hot cider (that I made myself, thank you very much).

It was a good day.  I carved a pumpkin, roasted pumpkin seeds, decorated other pumpkins, made cider handed out candy to about 110 kids, and snuggled puppies in sweaters, all while being watched over by the Dark Knight.

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