Thursday, November 27, 2014

Anniversary and Nieces and Socks

Today (and by today I mean yesterday.  It's almost 1 and I'm just now posting, but just pretend it is still the 26th) was Mom and Dad's 48th wedding anniversary.  Go parents!  For their totally romantical date they took me, Double A, and The Bean to The Bistro for lunch.  Dad actually was romantic and had flowers and a gift waiting for Mom.  It was very sweet.  We ate too much and then we had cheesecake.  Sounds like a typical holiday, right?

In other news, DJ is home!  Her mom dropped her off around 5:30 tonight and we get to at least spend tomorrow with her.  I'm not sure how long she is staying.

The Bean, Double A, and I finally got around to watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving tonight. Strangely enough, it turned out just like it did last year...

I wore both pairs of my Thanksgiving socks, one of them twice, so I didn't do a holiday sock fail like Halloween.  I might wear the other pair again tomorrow, it just depends on what shoes I wear.  So, socks in honor of everything:

Mom and Dad socks.  Green for Mom, of course, and knitted, because she's an awesome knitter.  Black argyle for Dad, kind of just because.  I washed 30 pairs of his white socks last week, these socks would be a definite change!  Happy Anniversary, you crazy kids.

Camo for DJ.  I like the blue ones.  Duh. So happy she is home and I get to see her.

Double A is into lime green right now.  Both she and The Bean seem to just grab socks and wear whatever, so mismatched seemed like a good idea.

Mismatched for The Bean too, who is really into purple these days.  Actually, these would work for her, me, Mom, AND Double A with their color scheme.

These are my Thanksgiving socks.  I could have sworn I took pictures of them on my feet last year, but clearly not.  I was too tired to get out of bed to do it for this year's post.  But this is what they look like.

Awww...I like them!  Maybe Dad needs these socks for Christmas...

Finally, just for giggles, and because she sent me this picture on Tuesday, here are the socks I gave to SKD for Halloween.  I didn't actually get to see her on Halloween so she got them late, but she seems not to mind at all.

Tonight I am thankful for parents, nieces, friends and socks.


  1. You didn't mention that a lot of the white socks you washed were already clean. :-) ME

    1. Oh yeah! I had trouble decoding his clever sorting method of the clean and dirty socks! :-)
