Thursday, November 13, 2014

Changing the Subject

I had the permanent crown put on today.  Holy buckets does my mouth hurt.  It had FINALLY started to ease off from the temporary crown and now it's back to fairly awful.  I'm really quite tired of my mouth aching, and it has, off and on (more on) since I got the wisdom teeth pulled.  Thank goodness my next appointment isn't until February.  In order to momentarily take my mind off my stupid mouth, I'm taking some more inspiration from the Pinterest Friend.

This was in the latest batch she sent me recently.  How cozy does this kitten look?

As I've mentioned before, I'm crazy allergic to cats, but I think kittens are adorable.  So what could be better than adorable kittens in shoes?  Even if these shoes are less than cute.

No idea what this cat is really thinking, but I like to pretend it just got caught playing with mom's shoes.


It's like accumulated cuteness.

Pensive kitten.  Love its little chin on its paw.

See?  Way better than stupid mouth pain.  And these cats don't make me sneeze and wheeze or make my eyes itch.

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