Friday, December 26, 2014

I Can't Stop Baking!

I rarely bake anymore because the hubby is diabetic and it would be insanely rude, in my opinion.  I also don't need to eat an entire batch of cookies by myself.  I bake occasionally when we go somewhere, but not often.  So, I've been baking some while I've been home.  The Bean and I tried a new recipe shortly after I got here, and then I tried another one that she found for coal (think rice krispie treats with oreos instead of cereal).  I was in trouble for making that one without her, so I will have to make it up to her when she gets back from her mom's on Sunday.  In the meantime, the brother was making Christmas Eve dinner and I said I would make dessert.  I made one of my favorites:  Mocha Pecan Balls.  They were super yummy even though they were more blobs than balls.  My mom had mentioned that she would like me to make the Sour Cream Cashew Drops that my grandma used to make for Christmas, so I made those for dessert for Christmas day.  I then decided to put most of it in the freezer since we didn't really need to eat 2 kinds of cookies, plus krumkake that the brother had made.  But, I had the baking bug, and I decided I need to just go with it.  So last night I made Cow Pattie Cookies.  We have no idea what they're actually called, but they look like a cow flew over the cooling racks and baking sheets, so we gave them that name.  Despite the disgusting name they are super rich and chocolately.  Again, I put the majority in the freezer.  Tonight I made chocolate chip cookies and did the same.  I figure Mom always needs after-school snacks for the kiddos, and it's always a good idea to have something in reserve just in case the Queen stops by or something.  Tomorrow I'm going with Double Chocolate Oatmeal cookies, and then who knows what The Bean and I will make when she gets home.  I know I just did cookie shoes a few weeks ago, but please bear with a few more.  Or just stop reading.  Whatever makes your heart happiest.

This is too pretty to eat, but it might be appropriate to bring out when the Queen comes?

Ooooh, baby cookies shoes!

These are hilarious.  I wonder what the back-story is?

I loooove Nutter Butters.  Nutter Butters with chocolate?  Yes, please.

Ballet slipper cookies.  Very sweet.

Yay, blue!  My grandma didn't appreciate blue food, but I can live with it.

I love Cookie Monster.  How can you not love Cookie Monster?

Eat the cookie.  Buy the Shoe.  And then drink the coffee from the mugs.  Works for me!

Either I'll get over this baking bug, or Mom's freezer will get to full.  Either way, I'm having fun!

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