Friday, May 29, 2015


The other night I wrote about how I loved these shoelaces more than the shoes (or at least loved the shoes because of the shoelaces).

Mom wrote in  a comment that I could just go buy the ribbon and have my very own pair.  To which I had to smack myself in the forehead and say, "well, duh!"  She's so smart.  Tonight as I was out running errands I took a detour to find some ribbon.  I didn't find this particular ribbon (I will keep looking), but found a couple of other choices.  Wanna see?  Of course you do!

See?  Fun!  Or maybe I'm just odd, but I kind of don't care, because I think these are fun.

As are these.  Look how well the blue polka dots match the blue shoes!  I think I might have found a new obsession.  Thankfully ribbon is cheap.   Do you think I could do a kickstarter campaign for canvas shoe money?  Here are some other fun examples of ribbon shoelaces:

These make me think of a bumblebee.  Or really peppy prison shoes?  What do you think...are the white with black stripes or black with white stripes?


Oooh...I love these polka dot ribbons. So fun.

Pig ribbons!  AND a patchwork shoe!

Today was an extremely difficult day.  It's the hubby and work, and I don't want to go into it, but he didn't have a good day, and he was super depressed.  So of course I was super depressed, and felt like it was my fault.  Which it isn't, I know this.  But the fact that I don't have a job is certainly my fault.  So I took on way too many emotions today, not all of them mine.  I need a job.  (don't get me started on how big of a loser I feel about still not having that particular poop in a group)  I got ribbon shoelaces.  Not really a comparable tradeoff, but at least the ribbons perked me up quite a bit.


  1. Love your ribbon choices! The fun thing is that you can keep changing them everytime you find fun new ribbon, new shoes all the time. ME

  2. Love the ribbon shoe laces!!!

    You aren't as big a loser as me - 2 years with no job :-(. But I am following in your footsteps and moving in with your parents :-). KMc
