Saturday, June 20, 2015


I had lunch with JG and Sunshine's grandma today, which was just what I needed.  I've been a little down since the family left (and for a variety of other reasons that I won't go into just now), and having lunch with 2 of my favorite people was a fabulous pick-me-up.  They absolutely brightened my day, and we had lunch at my favorite Thai place where I finally got to indulge in the Pad Thai I've been craving for about a month.  Because of this, I decided to a search for "Thai shoes" and see what popped up.  Like I know anything about Thai fashion.  But here is what the internet shared with me and I now share with you:

These are both from a collection by a woman named Caroline Issa.  I love the colors and designs, although could do without the puff ball thingies on the heels.

These are from the same collection, for all of you who don't think you can wear heels.

Colorful and sparkly!  Why the spider, though?  I'm not sure, but while I don't have an issue with spiders, really, this one could go hang out with the puff balls and I'd be OK with that.

Pretty!  These were labeled as embroidered shoes from the Hmong culture.  I think they're beautifully made.

Hmong baby shoes!  Very sweet.

Maybe these also have a spider somewhere on them, but since I can't see it, I like these better than the ones above.

Today I got to hang out with fabulous women, and have a yummy lunch that inspired me to find some fun shoes.  Not a bad day.

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