Sunday, July 12, 2015

Joyeux Anniversaire Maman!

I started my day today in song.  I sang Happy Birthday to Mom while the hubby meowed in the background (because he is weird.  Usually he howls like a dog, but today he decided to mix it up.  It's actually funnier and cuter than it sounds).  (also, I lied.  The day ACTUALLY started with the hubby waking me up like it was Christmas morning to watch last night's Conor McGregor MMA fight, but I prefer to stick with the singing memory.  It's much more pleasant and less violent).  Anyhoo.  Today is my mom's birthday!  Yay, Mom!  I asked her what kind of shoes she wanted me to post to celebrate the day and she decided on rain boots.  Here is why:

These are pictures of my parents' front yard that my dad sent me yesterday.  And yes, there is a caboose across the street.  Don't be jealous because you don't have one across the street from your house.  The point, of course, is the flooding from the crazy rain they had yesterday.  Dad sent me an email and asked if I wanted to come home and go fishing.  The lot next door used to be an empty parking lot that flooded every winter, and I used to love to put my boots on and go fishing in in the puddle.  Sadly I never caught anything. Probably because I didn't actually have a hook on my line.  Oh, and it was a puddle in a parking lot.  BUT, Mom suggested rain boots since this is their yard and rain boots would be appropriate for puddle stomping.  Here ya go, mama!

I typed in green rain boots and everything else was boring or ugly, so I had to add a little blue.  It's OK, Mom like blue, even thought green is her favorite color.

She also loves pansies, but I couldn't find any boots with pansies on them.  Instead I got boots with pansies IN them.  Cute and fun!

Pansy rain shoes are great for little puddles, but not for giant-puddle stomping.  Would it have been so hard to make these in a boot, too?  Do these people not understand it's my mom's birthday?! 

Look!  Green!  I was actually looking for something inspired by Mary Engelbreit, and these popped up.  They're really cool, but where were they when I typed in green?  So many questions tonight.

Huh.  I had no idea my mom had her own line of rain boots.  You'd think she'd tell me something like that considering I have a shoe blog.

I just like these.  Bright, fun, and awesome.

Green birthday cupcakes boots!

Mom is a painter, so I thought this was also really cool.  Hey, Mom, I think you should start painting that line of rain boots you have as they're a little plain...

So.  Happy Birthday, Mom!  Thanks for not selling me to they gypsies when I was bratty.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the birthday puddle boots, I love them all! If I'd know I had my own line of boots I would have painted them. ME
