Thursday, July 16, 2015

Youth Gathering

I've been enjoying all of the pictures that many of my Facebook friends have been posting from the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit this week.  The Gathering happens every 3 years, so I've also been thinking about my experience at the 2009 gathering in New Orleans with my Montana youth group.  There are somewhere around 30,000 Lutheran youth, chaperons, organizers, and volunteers who have descended up on Detroit for a week of fun, worship, learning, and service.  Just think of all the service projects that can be accomplished by that number of people!  I have a confession to make, though:  While I would love to be there experiencing the Gathering and hanging out with people, I'm not overly sad that I'm not responsible for 20+ teenagers for a week.  I know, I know, it's wrong of me.  But I am giving giant thanks this week for all of the amazing and hardworking chaperons who are there and doing their best to give those teens an amazing week they will never forget.  Now, on to shoes:

This is the gathering logo.

This is my way of saying it would be cool to have shoes with the logo on them.  If I were there, and if I had any kind of DIY creative ability, I would like to have a pair of these (but, you know, better).

Instead we'll just look at blue and orange shoes that go with the logo colors.

Obviously heels are not the answer for a week of running around with teens, but I do like these.

I really like these.  Again, not appropriate, though.

Ah, now here is what I would need, especially for service project day.

And these for general running around if they had good arch support.  If I remember correctly I only took one pair of shoes to NOLA with me and they were my Keens for exactly the arch support reason.

But how cute are these?  I'm sure there would be some occasion to wear them.

Or these.  Polka dots!

And, I couldn't resist finding a pair for the PB to wear in this whole fantasy world.

Thinking of all of my friend in Detroit this week.  Have fun, and wear comfortable shoes!

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