Tuesday, August 25, 2015

3rd Anniversary Adventures

Yesterday was the hubby's and my 3rd anniversary (5th anniversary of our first date).  Traditionally, the first anniversary is paper, the second anniversary is cotton, and the 3rd anniversary is leather.  Not to say I can't do it going forward, but I totally dropped the ball with the first theme of paper, so I haven't done traditionally themed gifts for our anniversaries.  I didn't do a themed gift again this year, but at least I can do a themed post? 

Before we get to the leather shoes, though, yesterday was also quite the day because it's the day our new employees started (apparently we like to keep our anniversaries simple).  OK.  The new adventure.  Some of you know, and some of you don't, so I suppose it's time to stop alluding to it and actually tell you what's going on.  The hubby's job of the last year-and-a-half was challenging for many reasons; too many to go into in this post. In June, though, the weirdness became even weirder:  the local office in San Francisco started acting like they wanted to get rid of him, but the corporate office wanted to promote him.  In fact, they set up a couple of options for him, and it looked like things were going to work out, so the hubby turned down 2 other opportunities with other companies.  But then the lovely VP of the SF office sabotaged 3 separate attempts by corporate, and the hubby decided enough was enough and it was time to head out on his own.  Starting in June we began the process of starting a new business.  We got the office the first part of August and started getting everything set up, and new employees started yesterday (which is another story of insanity...ask me in person some time and I'll share that drama).  So I'm working in an office again.  I have no idea what my title is, though.  I'm the receptionist/gopher/office manager/janitor/keeper-of-Quickbooks, and whatever else each day might bring.  I've also lost the ability to walk in heels, a skill I must get back since I now have a place to wear them again!

Speaking of heels, let's move on to the shoe portion of today's post.

And of course they're going to be blue leather since it's my favorite color and our wedding color.  I'm not terribly fond of the shape of this just sitting there, but I know it would look cute under jeans.

Better shape, and would also look cute with jeans.  Or possibly a long dress.  But not a short one.

These are neither cute nor a good shape.  Maybe they look better on, and I'm sure there are women who could rock the style, it's just not a style I'm terribly fond of.

Does patent leather count?  It's my blog, so I say it does.  I love this!  So shiny and blue-y and Mary Jane-y!

Love this, too.  Probably a better heel height for the office, also, as opposed to the 5 inchers I'm wearing today.

I have these in black!  They are soooo comfortable.

I know it's not shoes, BUT, I told the hubby that when we make our millions :-) from this new adventure that we need to buy each other leather jackets, and I want this one.

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