Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Ice Cream and Poetry

Some things never change, and some do.  What didn't change is that I stayed up way too late last night finishing a book.  What has changed is that "way too late" in this case was 11:15.  Last summer my sleep schedule was totally screwed up and way too late often meant 3 or 4 in the morning.  Now that we've opened the new office and I'm back to regular working hours, I've been going to bed at a more decent hour so I can wake up earlier.  Which also means that I'm posting at more decent times, at least when I'm awake enough to post.  

Anyhoo, I'm actually posting tonight.  We're still at the office, but the hubby is working with the guy setting up our phone and computer systems, and it's after hours, so I figured I'd post.  According to my handy calendar, today is both National Ice Cream Pie day and National Soft Ice Cream Day.  Mmmm...ice cream.  Sounds awesome, especially with as hot it's been here the past few days.  I've posted ice cream shoes before, but here are some more:

The ice cream cone heels crack me up.  I enjoy the commitment to a theme.

I like this even better.  Love the colors.

Mmmmm...mint chocolate.  I kind of want to lick these...

No desire to lick these, though.  These are really quite ugly.

Very cute.  Chocolate AND sprinkles.  Fancy!

These are really cute; they seem like something out of a children's book.

Today is ALSO National Bad Poetry Day.  

I won't comment on whether these consist of bad poetry or not.  I just like that they made shoe poems in the shape of shoes.

Did you know that I occasionally write my own bad poetry?  Here is a poem I wrote in seminary after way too much caffeine, and inspired by the comment of a friend on another poem I had shared at a seminary talent night thingie.

Bisexual Shoes

I once wrote a poem about lesbian pants
Which got me to thinking that maybe, perchance
Other items in my closet might be engaged in a dance
Around their sexual identity.

I could have a pair of bisexual shoes
Which through the footwear of my closet might cruise,
Searching for mates who might also choose
Alternative dating tendencies.

Shoes such as this could cause quite a sensation
Should I ever decide to give them presentation
Especially in light of Vision and Expectations
And other aspects of candidacy.

It’s thoughts such as these that keep me up at night
Thinking other Lutheran closets could be in such a plight
Since sexual identity is seen in such a light
As to be quite the absurdity.

And so I write poems about pants and my footwear
Creating  some silliness that I might then share
So other Lutherans might come to be aware
Of these potential wardrobe tragedies! 

See?  Weird, bad poetry!  Now, go eat some ice cream and read/write some bad poetry of your own.

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