Friday, August 7, 2015

I'm Either a Dork or Color Blind

I've been continuing on my crocheting streak.  I honestly think it's the one thing that is keeping me sane right now, so I apologize to any of you who receive something crocheted that you would rather not have gotten.  Please feel free to give it to Goodwill or something.  Here is the latest:

Gray and pink baby afghan for a family from St. Someone's who recently had a 3rd daughter.

Here's why I'm a color blind dork.  Actually, I'm a dork with a faulty memory, because I kept thinking this was brown and pink.  So I found brown and pink shoes for this post.  And you're getting brown and pink shoes regardless of the gray and pink afghan.  Because I am stubborn.

Because how cute are these?  Very classy.

And these?  I want these for the canvas shoe collection, and I'm not even a huge pink fan.

These I don't like as well as the previous ones, but they're still cute.

I love this fabric.  I wish it wasn't quite such a strange looking wedge, but maybe it's cuter on?

Awwww...little girl shoes!

These are so simple, and I love the little splash of color from the bow.

These are sweet, but I can't imagine they would actually stay on a baby's kicking feet.

Love this too, but it's a little too much pink for me.

The hubby looks really good in pink.  Clearly he needs these.

And then I could wear these!  How cute would we be?

Please excuse my obsessive crocheting and my faulty-memory-color-blind-dorkiness.

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