Monday, August 3, 2015


Ahhhhh...tonight I am feeling accomplished after having finished a project I've been working on for almost a year.  A project that wasn't actually mine and for which I'll get nothing tangible.  Yes, I AM being deliberately vague, thank you for asking!  Just celebrate with me that I'm done.  If you want you can do a happy dance with me.

Since today is National Watermelon Day, I'm kind of wishing I had some watermelon to celebrate my accomplishment.  Mmmm...a nice, cold piece of watermelon sounds delightful right now.  Anyone willing to go get me some?  Anyone?  No?  Ok, moving on to shoes.

If you feel like you've seen watermelon shoes on here before you are correct, but I haven't done a whole post on watermelon.  These are interesting.  They're definitely noticeable.  And on-point, theme wise.

I can't decide if I like these or not.  I think so?

These are cute.  Very appropriate for a picnic.

Ummm...this watermelon looks like it's gone bad.  Do not eat this watermelon!


Does Tom's have a shoe for every conceivable theme?  It would appear so, and it would appear awesome.

The PB is definitely getting a pair of these.  Some day.  In my imagination.

Hey, Mom, I'll crochet you some watermelon shoes if you'll knit me some watermelon socks!

Happy Watermelon Day!  Mark you calendar for next year for some cute shoes and/or socks to wear while you partake of some yumminess.

1 comment:

  1. Those might be beyond my capabilities as I've never knit cables. Congrats on finishing your other project, you definitely deserve some watermelon! ME
