Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksiversary!

I hope you all had a wonderful turkey day, full of whatever makes you the happiest.  We had a quiet morning and then spent the afternoon with friends, so it was a very nice day.  I wore my turkey socks, as is only appropriate:

They were inside my boots, so no one actually saw them, but I knew they were there. 

Speaking of turkeys, Double A lived up to her awesome nickname this week with her nails:

The kid's got talent, I tell you.  I can't even paint my nails in a solid color and have them look decent.  She painted a frickin' turkey on hers!

And now some shoes.

I love these three pairs as a set.  I would need three babies to wear them and be appropriately themed.  They could then sit in the middle of the table and be adorable, Thanksgiving centerpieces.

I need these to go with my turkey socks!

Today was not only Thanksgiving, but also my parents 49th wedding anniversary!  Yay, parents!  I looked it up, and the gift for the 49th anniversary is "luxury goods."  Hmmm...I don't think the parents got each other any luxury goods this year.  I typed in the phrase luxury shoes, though, and the first thing that came up was this:

Wow.  That is insane.  And ugly.  Does this say luxury to you?  Because it sure as heck does not say it to me.

I like these better, but they still look more cheap than luxurious to me.  What's up with that?

Huh.  These were labeled "diamante."  I should google that and see if it's something fancy, but I'm too full of turkey to go research.  I don't hate these, but I'm not fond of them, either.

Sparkly!  I don't know if these are luxurious necessarily, but I do love the sparkle.

Mom loves green, so I had to include some green luxury shoes for her.  I'm not sure what the detail on the back is, and would like them better without it, but these are pretty for the most part.

Even if your day didn't involve luxury items, I hope it involved loved ones in some way shape or form.  And dessert.

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness nobody got me any of those luxury goods. ME
